2021 48th Annual Meeting: ISS Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Meeting
Registration for the 48th Annual Meeting is now open.
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ISS 2020 Call for Abstracts - Submission Deadline: February 21, 2020
Submit your abstract for the 2020 Annual Meeting.
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ISS President's Medal Nominations
The ISS 2020 Awards Committee is now accepting nominations for the ISS President's Medal from our membership. The President's Medal is awarded in special recognition of outstanding scientific achievements on an international level to a member of the ISS who should not have reached their 46th birthday by the 1st of October 2020.
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ISS Nominations for Executive Committee Vacancies
The ISS nominating committee has chosen the following members to be nominated for elected positions:
2019 Annual Meeting - Register Today!
Register today for the 2019 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC.
Click here for more information
Musculoskeletal Core Lecture Series
We are excited to announce and make available a Musculoskeletal Core Lecture Series! This is a series of 20-30 minute lectures created for trainees in radiology delivered by some of the best teachers from the International Skeletal Society.
2019 Annual Meeting Save the Date
The dates for the 46th Annual Meeting have been finalized! The meeting will be taking place in Vancouver, BC, between
September 11 - September 13, 2019.
The meeting will take place at the JW Marriott Vancouver and the DOUGLAS.
2018 Annual Meeting Save the Date
The 45th Annual Meeting will be held in Berlin, Germany, on September 26 - September 28, 2018.
Registration will be open in the coming months. Click blow and sign up to receive meeting information as it becomes available.
ISS Nominations for Executive Committee Vacancies
On behalf of the ISS nominating committee I am pleased to inform you that the Committee has chosen the following members to be nominated for elected positions:
Members-At-Large (Service during the 2018, 2019 meetings)
Dariusz Borys- Pathologist (Illinois, USA)
Frederic Lecouvet Radiologist (Brussels, Belgium)
Ricardo Kali- Pathologist (Brazil)
Treasurer-Elect (Service begins at 2017 meeting)
Michael Tuite, MD (Wisconsin, USA)
They will be voted on by the membership on Monday morning at the Business meeting in New York City.
Lynne Steinbach
ISS Nominating Committee Chair
posted: May 23rd, 2017
ISS Research & Education
The International Skeletal Society will soon be offering 4 Research Grants
posted: September 26, 2016
There are many exhibit and sponsorship opportunities available at the ISS Annual Meeting in New York in 2017.
2017 Annual Meeting Save the Date
The 44th Annual Meeting will be held in New York, New York, on August 30 - September 1, 2017.
Registration is now open ! Start Spreading The News!
ISS on Facebook!
Visit our page today for information on meetings, news and more.
Members Full text Skeletal Radiology Access
Members have direct access to full text Skeletal Radiology articles! Just login and then click on the Skeletal Radiology Access link!