Founders Medal | ISS Medal | President's Medal |
Guidelines for Bestowing Medals
Article 1
The Founders' Medal is presented in honor of the initiators of the International Skeletal Society and its former Presidents, Harold Jacobson, Ronald 0. Murray and Jack Edeiken, that they may be preserved in memory for future generations. This medal honors those who not only distinguished themselves through their outstanding dedication to the International Skeletal Society but, beyond this, have on an international scale, further distinguished themselves by conspicuous excellence in their field of science.
Article 1A
Two other categories of awards are as follows: The Medal of the International Skeletal Society. This medal may be bestowed on persons who have actively supported the endeavors of the international Skeletal Society. The prospective recipient of this award therefore need not be a member or an honorary member of the International Skeletal Society. The President's Medal. This medal is intended for members of the International Skeletal Society in special recognition of their outstanding scientific achievements on an international level and who have as yet not completed their 45th year of age. In connection with this award, a monetary grant will be afforded to the awardee to aid his/her research endeavors.
Article 2
The Founder's Medal to deserving candidates in recognition of their scientific achievements should be conferred to no more than one person each year. The committee, however, is not strictly bound to this time cycle. The conferral of the Medal of the international Skeletal Society is not restricted to any particular time cycle. The President's Medal may be conferred on an annual basis. This time span, however, may be greater if no suitable candidate is nominated by the Awards Committee. The conferral of these medals is made without legal recourse.
Article 3
The members of the Awards committee shall be comprised of current members of the Executive Committee of the International Skeletal Society. The selection of a candidate should, if possible, be the result of an unanimous vote. If unanimous accord is lacking, a two-thirds majority vote resulting from the first ballot shall determine the outcome. The electoral process shall be strictly confidential.
Article 4
In connection with the honor awarded by the International Skeletal Society, the recipient of a Medal shall receive a document bearing his name and the reasons for his selection. This document shall bear the signature of the President of the International Skeletal Society, together with the date and place of presentation. The Awards Committee is obliged to compose an appropriate text or to delegate this to a committee member. The text should be approved by the Executive Committee.
Article 5
The President of the International Skeletal Society shall, during the next meeting of the International Skeletal Society following the selection, introduce the nominee(s) by reading the text of the documents and present the medal(s). The names of the recipients of the Medal(s) shall be published in Skeletal Radiology.