ISS Research Seed Grant Information

 Apply for 2025 Research Seed Grant

The International Skeletal Society promotes scholarly activity and offers members the opportunity to identify challenges and test hypotheses in the field of musculoskeletal research. Two research seed grants will be awarded each year.


Applicants at all stages of career are eligible for this grant as long as it is mentored by an ISS member.  Applicants should describe the nature of the proposed research within the context of their current scholarly activity. Greater emphasis will be placed on efforts that serve as preliminary data for larger funding mechanisms, and are a part of a strategic career development plan. 

No restrictions on the nature of research projects are imposed. Any project proposing human subjects or animals requiring IRB or IACUC approval respectively, should acknowledge this requirement and include a proposed timeline for said approval.

Multidisciplinary grants are encouraged.


Grant recipients will receive up to $30,000 that can be budgeted over a one or two-year period. The sum will be awarded to the applicant’s institution and may not be used to fund indirect costs, but may provide salary support limited to 40%. 

Grants will be transferred to recipient with the following timeline:

  • 50% upon award
  • 50% after 6 months with interim report.

No cost extension (one year maximum) permitted with approval.

Engagement Commitment

Final work will be presented at the first ISS meeting that follows project completion.

Manuscripts resulting from funding awarded should be submitted to Skeletal Radiology. Each manuscript submitted that uses acquired data or resources drawn from the funded project will include the following phrase among acknowledgments: “This research was partially/totally funded by the Research Seed Grant awarded by the International Skeletal Society”.

Online application submission opens: January 27, 2025
Deadline to submit: April 6th, 2025

Winners will be announced during the ISS meeting.
Further inquiries should be addressed to the attention of Sue O'Sullivan at the ISS office: [email protected].

 Apply for 2025 Research Seed Grant



Discover how Dr. Vidyani Suryadevara leveraged the ISS Seed Grant to advance her groundbreaking research on imaging senescence in osteoarthritis! Not only did she validate her hypothesis, but she also forged exciting new collaborations with other researchers, diving deeper into the fascinating world of cellular senescence.